Posted by David Johnson on Nov 17, 2018
President Chris Costlow open the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Dave Johnson led the Pledge to our Flag
President Chris led us in a Rotary Moment
Dave Johnson led the music with God Bless America and the R-O-T-A-R-Y Songs
Cliff Fowler - Presented the club with a check for $2,000 from the Fun Run and the Car Club.  Big Thank you to Cliff and his other club. It will be put to use in the valley. 
Emily from the Big Bear Lake Library reported that they have an event on Saturday Afternoon at 2:00 PM.  They also provide tutoring for Adults who read at a 6th grade level or less.  
Dinner was great.  A great Green Salad,  Hot rolls, Mashed Potatoes, and one of the best Turkey Casseroles I have tasted.  Chocolate Muse and Whipped Cream.  Coffee both Decafe and Leaded.!
Ron Peavy presided over the Recognition.
Mike Chilcoat's wife was recognized for her 7? birthday.  Mike donated $10.
Helen Walsh was touting her Oklahoma Sooners.  Hope for a big win.  Donated $10.
Jim Miller was asked to predict if USC would win this weekend.  Declined but donated $11.
President Chris Costlow was asked which Capitol city was growing the fastest for $5 or double or nothing.  Came up with the incorrect answer.  The answer of course is the Capitol of Ireland.  It is Dublin every year!  (ok so it was corny!)
Jeff Willis, Fire Chief of Big Bear Valley was our speaker for the evening.  Jeff spoke on the increasing demands of the Fire Authority of Big Bear Valley.  There is a fact sheet following this link.  Please click on this link and see for yourself what is needed in terms of personnel and equipment to maintain services in the Valley.  
Chief Jeff Willis