2020-21 President Dawn Hartmeister
As of July 1, 2020 the Rotary Club of Big Bear Lake "turned the 'Page'" and Welcomed our new President Ms Dawn Hartmeister.
President Hartmeister welcomed 20 of our distinguished Rotary ZOOMERS and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary 4-Way Test!
President Hartmeister brought to our attention that the wife of PDG Milt Levinson, Sandra,  recently passed away. Milt had previously passed away.
4th of July Fireworks Show
The Annual Rotary July 4 BBQ had previously been cancelled. On Tuesday, June 30, we received word that the Annual Big Bear Lake Fireworks Show would be POSTPONED due to the governor's recommendation and a spike in COVID cases in California.  Jeff Martin of Pyro Spectacular had joined the Fireworks Committee Meeting on Wednesday, July 1 to discuss next steps for rescheduling.  Based on cancellations and reschedules, Jeff stated that Pyro would need several weeks notice to prepare for a Big Bear Show....City Manager, Frank Rush, and Interim Visit Big Bear Director, Michael Perry, also participated in these discussions.  When the event is rescheduled, Rotary will explore the possibilities of scheduling a BBQ Fundraiser as well.........STAY TUNED!!
Interact Update--Andy Brakebill
As a result of the cancellations (above), the Interact Club stood to lose out on a significant fundraising (approx $2,000) event.  The City of Big Bear Lake generously proposed donating $2k if the students will hand out facial coverings to visitors during this weekend--(Friday, Saturday & Sunday). Andy encouraged Rotary members to assist the students on any of these scheduled shifts.  CONTACT ANDY if available. Locations for distribution will be @ the Copper Q and Barrel 33.
Zoomers were entertained by Quinton and John (McKinney) to a special rendition (on guitars) of "Blackbird" and "Dueling Guitar/Banjos"!!
Member Outreach
A brief discussion took place on how to "reach out" to current members and attract newer members.....more to follow.
A "shout out" to Miguel for his birthday.  Happy Birthday Miguel.
Upcoming events
Monday, July 6 will be a Zoom Board Meeting
Thursday, July 9 will be our Regular Meeting (Zoom)
Adjournment @ 7:25