Big Bear Lake Rotary eBulletin

General Evening Meeting:
President Scott Heule open the meeting by reminding us that we are the club with Altitude.
Rotary moment: Scott Heule
Flag Salute: Sheryl Nelson
Music: Al Ferguson; God bless America and the R-O-T-A-R-Y song 
  1. Golf Tournament – John Callahan – September 27, 2015.  Thanked Maureen Shepherd for her wonderful flyer. 

    1. $100 – BBQ – Raffle prizes.  John Needs Teams and individual Players.  Call John Callahan at 909-585-9919 and sign up

  2. Push on Polio Plus on World Polio Day.  Give Don Bremer a check “The Rotary Foundation” for Polio day and he will match it with points.  Do it before October 22 is the final day.  A great way to go toward your Paul Harris Recognition.

  3. Rotary Foundation Gala – Hard Rock Café in Palm Springs.  150 S Indian Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262 , Phone:(760) 325-9676

  4. World Peace Conference in January 15, 16, Make a reservation.

  5. Phone book delivery for the interact clubs.   Need drivers for September 26,27 and October 3.  Contact Mike Chilcoat for more information. 

  6. Cliff Fowler wearing his  Antique Car Club hat.  Thanked all the Rotarians who help make the 26th anniversary a great success.  More spectators and entries.  Presented a check to Rotary for $500.  

John Barley – Oktoberfest – Fill for the next two weekends.   Need two more on Saturday Sept 26.  .  



Won by Helen Walsh on #516472 - $33.00.  Money donated to Million Meals 

P&P Tag Team.

  1. Liz Harris: Explains where Round Top Texas is located.  Other than Texas that is!

  2. Mike Chilcoat: put in $5 for Rachel Wades who received her good looks from her mother.

3.Helen Walsh - $7.00 pushing Oklahoma! 

4.John Callahan – Fine hair guy – Promoting Golf Tournament.  Appropriated the hair of the fine hair guy.  $5.00.  It was a buy back!

5.Maureen Shepherd – Big Fan of American Got Talent?  Talking so fast and loud didn’t get it all!  $10.

6.Dick Shaw $5.00 because he wants Maureen to be quiet.

7.Dave Stone – Donated a Swimming pool – Lady who received it donated a check to the Santa program for $200 . 

Speaker/Program: Rachel Wade is a home grown Executive Coach and Professional Speaker.  Rachel has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in International Business.  She has many international clients.  She was president of the Interact Club and has been involved in Rotary since “Birth”.  Rachel spoke on the motivation of employees.  Many people look to the past on a daily basis and others look forward.  People need to set written goals and review them frequently.  Ms. Wade is an engaging speaker and her message and presentation was appreciated by all.  Thanks to Mike Chilcoat for arranging this program.


Wednesday's Noon Meeting:

This week's lunch meeting was charged with ideas on how to engage the next generation of Rotarians. Sheryl Nelsons son was kind enough to share how "Rotary rolls in Orange County" and Rachel Wade gave insight on communication techniques for creating synergy with the Interact members. Tremendous collaboration was exchanged in connection with engaging community youth with Interact. If you like working with our youth, drop in on a Noon Meeting.  Right now they are meeting at El Jacalitos in the Village at 11:45 a.m. 

Thursday's Morning Meeting:

Thursday's morning meeting was well attended.  There is not much to report.  We missed Paula and Rich Collier and Carol and Don Bremer who are traveling.  Our speaker was Rachel Wade who also spoke to the Evening Meeting.  The fellowship was great and we enjoyed the company of Jim and Tanya Labertew at the meeting.  -END

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